Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Parts ordered, keeping busy.

I finally dropped the hammer on my RS Components order this AM.
The damage will be almost 700 euros. Of course with RS Components, I have minimum orders on quit a few things, so take a hundred euros off the cost of actual repstrap content. I feel that I'll be getting a very flexible and adaptable bot for this price though, so hopefully no buyer's remorse. I expected that I'd be printing for under a thousand euros, and with what I've already bought, and the few little things I'll have yet to buy, I'll be getting up there...

While waiting for the bits to arrive, I decided to build my end-stops, and more Pololu boards. Then I just had to plug it all into my Mega and have a play.

I'm quite happy with my breadboard setup. I have all motors turning together with a bit of code I bashed up...

Closeup of "the jungle"...

I'm thinking that if a Pololu shield doesn't come available within the timeframe, I may just go with this and mill myself my own board.. that would be cool. Not sure how much current these bread-boards will take though.. if I go Parallel on the motors, and turn up the current.. could be some burning plastic in my future... (even before I make an extruder).

Last night I decided that I'd start with the Hydra-MMM firmware/control software. Played a bit with it today, and didn't get anything moving... I suspect I need to get more sensors hooked up (I didn't have my optos in yet). It compiles fine and talks to the host, but when I try to send commands, or feed it a g-code file, it just hangs. I'll fake up a thermistor tomorrow and see what happens.


  1. Going to be one expensive toy! :)Anesha

  2. I did the same as you with a breadboard. I moved it all to a perfboard. you can take a look at the initial board here: . I have just added the heater mosfets, and am working on adding in mechanical endstops for my repstrap. I got around the 1.6mm spacing for some of the arduino headers for the time being by simply not hooking them up right now. I'll get bent stacking headers later if I need the pins. Next are the connectors for the endstops, and hookups for the thermistors (or thermocouple)
